Farewell, Scandalous Beauty / by Erin Baynham

Goodbye, Scandalous Beauty I write this post in fear, in excitement, uncertainty and exhilaration. This is the last post that I'll be writing on my makeup blog, Scandalous Beauty.

I started this blog in 2005, as a 20 year old, part time sales girl at my local mall. I was a college student looking to share my love of makeup and to get brown girls to stop being afraid of color. Now, almost 10 years later, at 30 years old, marriage and pregnancy changed everything for me.

I really think I've been clinging on to this blog for awhile, but after weighing the pros and cons, it was time to let it go and to have a fresh start. My interests vary widely, and I don't want to hesitate sharing those thoughts. Will I still blog about makeup? Absolutely. I love makeup. However, I don't love it nearly as much as I used to. I don't feel like I have to have every lip gloss under the sun and I have way more days without makeup than with it. To be 100% honest, the beauty blogging scene is turning into a genre that I don't exclusively want to be a member of.

I'm a walking cliche, and I'm okay with that. I have spent the last few weeks gradually disassembling my office and makeup room and turning it into a nursery for my unborn son, Cameron. I'm thinking about weekly lunch ideas for my bonus daughter, Kaitlyn. I want to find the best all natural cleaners for my home. I've got, like, four gallery walls that I want to go up. Discount grocery shopping has become a sport for me. I'm ready to expand, and most of these things aren't a natural fit for this blog. (I'll still be keeping my Youtube channel the same, at least for now.)

This blog, this brand, this time has exposed me to things I never, ever dreamed of. I met my favorite makeup artists, traveled the country, and experienced things that I wouldn't have otherwise. I want to thank everyone who has supported my makeup blog over the last nine and a half years. It really, really means so much to me. We've grown up together! Onward and upward!

My new blog can be found at thehauteblogger.com.

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