Bold Lip of the Day: Cover Girl Queen Rosy Tomorrows Lipstick and Revlon Pearl Plum Super Lustrous Lipgloss / by Erin Baynham

Cover Girl Queen Rosy Tomorrows Lipstick and Revlon Pearl Plum Lipgloss I wouldn't exactly call this a bold lip, not really red or pink either. It's a good anytime lip color. I found this lipgloss at the bottom of one of my random beauty boxes. First off, this gloss gets major points from me because it isn't packed with an overdone old lady scent like many inexpensive glosses.

Cover Girl Queen Rosy Tomorrows Lipstick and Revlon Pearl Plum Lipgloss Swatch

I've got a few more Cover Girl Queen lipstick reviews on the way.  I rarely check out Revlon glosses, but after this, I'm going to have to!