Day 25: The Finale--Things To Always Remember About Blogging / by Erin Baynham

A little over a month ago, I thought it would be cool to host a workshop that taught the basics of blogging. I didn't have that kind of time during the middle of a busy semester, so I decided to create a written challenge for existing bloggers. And as I sit on my computer today, October 27th, I can't believe it's over! So, here is the blogging commandment:

Your blog is a place to have fun. Censor yourself if you must, but have fun! This is your place on the internet to be yourself and connect with other people. You don't have to have a bunch of text and bore people to death. Use pictures, use music, get creative! Share your thoughts, rants, raves, likes, dislikes, ups, downs, whatever you want. Enjoy it folks.

I'll continue my Guide to Better Beauty Blogging, and I'm so excited to do so! Thanks for joining me on the challenge!



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