Welcome back to Scandalous Beauty! / by Erin Baynham

Hi, I'm Erin. Today, I decided to take the leap and re-create the blog I really wanted to make. I've been in the beauty blogging space since 2005, and to be frank, I was OVER IT. I had this habit of trying to fit myself into a space that I should have left a long time ago. 

In the time since I shut down my original blog, I created two podcasts, Scandalous Beauty and Upgrade Your Influence.

The main reason I'm restarting this blog is because I've settled comfortably into a lifestyle of cleaning whenever I want, putting no effort into my looks and overall, just being annoyed with my life. NO MORE.

This blog will accomplish several things, but mostly, it's my personal motivating platform to have my style and my home be my happy place. Since I'm not new to the blogging game and I'd love to see other mamas (and non-mamas) exercise their creative talents, I'll be sharing my processes along the way,  including utilizing classes that I've purchased, things that I've learned, etc.